Friday, May 23, 2008

Are children less important?

The things parents who have their children with them every day take for granted and the way they treat their children really makes me sad.

Have you ever considered how you treat your best friend who just had her heart broken by a man you warned her about? You console her and give her the courage to go out and try again.

But have you seen or maybe done it yourself that when your child does something that you warned them not to's so easy to be rude or nasty and tell them ″I told you not to do it, you should have listened″

When you walk into a stranger in a shop by accident, you say ″Oh excuse me″ but when you trip over your child in the kitchen, you say ″Get out from under my feet″

It makes me sad to hear people complain about how naughty their children are while I'll do anything to have just half of the time they spend with their children, to spend with mine.

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