Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sensing that it's the end

Today, a year ago, I must've been the happiest girl in the world. It was the day Andy came to SA to meet me. It was the most amazing feeling, knowing that this guy learned to love me enough to travel halfway across the world just to meet me. It felt unreal...
The day I finally saw him for the very first time I felt so comfortable. I knew that I would love him for the rest of my life, he used to say the same.
A year has passed and things have changed.
Ever since I came back to SA we started drifting apart. Every day that passed, I could feel him slip away a little further. It wasn't his fault, I'm mostly to blame and I am more than willing to admit it.
He hasn't admitted it yet, but I can sense that he doesn't want to continue with this relationship and I can't and will never blame him coz he probably put up with more than anyone I ever knew before could ever manage.
He supported me through my court cases and he was there for me and cared for me while I was ill, I will never forget what he did for me but I want him to be happy and that is why I will let him move on without putting up a fight.
He deserves all the love and happiness in the world for being such a wonderful, caring and loving person.
I will always love him though, just as I always have.

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