Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Mom Called Him A Parasite

She was right. I hate to admit that I was wrong, but it's true. It always sounded so cruel and I actually believed at one stage that my mother just didn't want me to be happy. Little did I know back then that it was not myself thinking or talking. He imprinted this in my mind...very slowly, but people like him know exactly what they are doing and how to get what they want. I was young, ignorant and blind. I was afraid of labelling him as a narcissist, I always looked for the problem within myself. Even that was another tactic he used, he did it so easily. I believed him when he said that I had a problem, that I needed professional help. At some point I was so desperate that I even begged him to take me to see someone, he never did and now I can see why. It all seems confusing when you look at it this way, but I am aiming at working through my experiences one by one by taking everything that I have learned and using it so I can understand that what happened to me was not entirely my fault, and hopefully show others just how easily something like this can happen to anyone around them. People like these feed on you, they use you and they manipulate you. They need you, so they isolate and control you. They turn you into an empty shell, destroying everything that used to be a part of you and they only allow enough into your shell for them to feed upon whenever they feel the need. They are cruel, heartless people who show no regard for anyone's feelings.


Anonymous said...

I have been following your posts for some time, but never leave a comment. I have learnt some things from you about my own relationship with my wife. I have been looking at myself wondering if I don't do things wrong. I must say that our relationship was heading for the rocks, but I think we can turn it around. We have started talking and she admitted that I resembled parts of both Dolf and Johan. I was shocked, but agreed to work on it. I also pointed out things she does I just don't like and she said she never knew. We managed to do this without fighting.

Thank you...

Renata S Roux said...

Thank you for taking the time to comment :o) This has really put a smile on my face and I really hope that you and your wife will be able to work through your problems. I can understand that you must have been shocked to hear your wife say that you resembled some of the characteristics I mentioned, but you obviously want to work on it and that means alot. I will admit from my side that it isn't always easy for me to post here and I have asked myself before if I shouldn't just go back to writing things down and keeping it private but today you proved to me that what I have been trying to do is in fact working, and that is to open people's eyes not only about what really destroys relationships but how it affects themselves. Take care x