Saturday, May 10, 2008

Some of my first blogs

Lol they're not good, actually they SUCK, but it kinda brings back memories :0)

Keep in mind that they are short due to the fact that I was using a cellphone that only allowed 500 characters in a blog at a time.

My first alias I used was 'Dune'. Of course because I absolutely love the Dune novels written by Frank Herbert. That alias is now blocked lol and unfortunately the blogs only go back to about November 2006 (I had the bad habit of deleting my blogs). Oh...and excuse the language hehe

Dune 1
Dune 2
Dune 3
Dune 4
Dune 5
Dune 6

'Angelzbreeze' Blog:

Angelzbreeze 1
Angelzbreeze 2
Angelzbreeze 3
Angelzbreeze 4
Angelzbreeze 5
Angelzbreeze 6
Angelzbreeze 7

'Xanthe' Blog:

Xanthe 1
Xanthe 2
Xanthe 3


Anonymous said...

Ek het in jou blogs gaan koekeloer, daar is baie seer daarin....

Ek glo alles gaan nog reg kom vir jou, mens moet maar altyd hoop...

Renata S Roux said...

Aww, dankie jy :o)

Almal het maar seer, my blogs was maar net 'n uitlaat.

Die engelse se 'Nothing lasts forever' en ek glo dis waar.

Dinge gaan darem nou baie beter as toe, ek waardeer wat ek het.