Thursday, May 29, 2008

Liver Biopsy

Tomorrow morning at 11:00 am I have to go for a liver biopsy.

Crazy as that may seem, I'm scared.

The last liver biopsy I had was more than 4 years ago and it was in a State Hospital in South Africa.

Now, I've seen and been in many hospitals in my life, but South Africa's State Hospitals are a nightmare. If you don't have a medical aid or ALOT of money to make use of private medical care, you have no choice though, as I had no choice back then.

Forget about cleanliness and hygiene if you think of a state hospital in SA. The longest I have ever been in one was about 5 days and it was during this time that the liver biopsy was also performed.

I had no idea what they were going to do, but I had an idea, as it involves removing liver tissue with a biopsy needle.

They came and took me from the ward, I sat there waiting outside for about 40 minutes and then they simply performed the biopsy. I wasn't given any anaesthetic and it hurt like hell. I was pushed back to the ward and I was crying (I have a very high tolerance for pain though). I started coughing alot, so they sent me for x-rays and I was told that the biopsy needle was shot through my lung and that it was only fluid that I'm coughing up and nothing to be worried about.

I tend to engrave these memories in my mind in such a way that I get terrified whenever I think about it.

I told Andy that I'm scared, but I don't think he really understands HOW scared I really am and he will be at work tomorrow :(

I know that it will be different over here, the medical care is excellent even though it is provided by the state, but that doesn't make me feel any better.


Anonymous said...

Sterkte Cheeky! Alles sal goed gaan. Wees net positief.


Renata S Roux said...

lol dankie, ek is weer in een van my paranoiese buie vandag

Anonymous said...

O aarde Cheeky, sterkte vir jou. Ek sou net daar beroerte gekry het. Troos jou daaraan, dit kan net beter wees aan daardie kant. Nogmaals sterkte en ek sal aan jou dink...

Renata S Roux said...

lol dankie Pikkie