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This is absolutely hilarious.
I did this test the other day when I was on Wipneus's blog.
Due to the mood I was in, I didn't copy the html, but thought it will be ok because I can always do the test again. That time I only had 80%!!!
That means that my addiction actually got worse in only 2 days time, that is not good.
I am really getting worried about myself lol
Bloody Hell - I hit 92%. Still the highest I've seen. Now, that is either cum laude or a miserable failure. Depends on the point of view, I guess!
lol Emil about that club. . . I think we can make you the chairperson ;)
That's funny. I haven't done the test so i don't know how addicted i am. Don't worry too much, i bet there are tons of us who are addicted.
O I'm shocked, get out of the shower immediately!! No more showers for you. hie hie
Well... Baths take even longer lol more time to think of topics!!
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